Upcoming Events

Listed below are the upcoming events available to you. Click view to display additional information and RSVP for the event. Most events require that you RSVP to attend.

Event Event Date Status View
Small Business Certification with the Office of Diversity in Business Practices (Presented in Spanish)4/16/2024Open
11 space(s) left
Navigating Periscope S2G4/24/2024Open
37 space(s) left
SBU Course 101- Developing Meaningful Relationships in Business5/2/2024Open
98 space(s) left
Small Business University 2024- General Registration5/2/2024
- 6/27/2024
321 space(s) left
SBU Course 102- Legal Terms & the Ethical Environment for Business5/9/2024Open
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SBU Course 103- Business Writing and Effective Communication5/16/2024Open
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SBU Course 104- Small Business Financing and Financial Management 5/23/2024Open
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SBU Course 205- Marketing with AI Tools5/30/2024Open
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SBU Course 206- Project Management for Goods & Services Vendors6/6/2024Open
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SBU Course 207- Project Management for Construction Contractors6/13/2024Open
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SBU Course 208- Operational Decision Making: Cost/Benefit Analysis & Visioning6/20/2024Open
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